Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pine Cove- Outback

We're baaaack!!! Hello all! The kiddies (minus Allie) came home yesterday so we could pack for camp and our trip to Colorado next weekend. The older three are off to camp today! Yippee!! They are super excited. This is the first time ever for Scott to go to camp, and Holley has been to a gymnastics camp but not a "regular" camp. Macie is the only experienced camper of the bunch, but this is our first time at Pine Cove Outback! It seems like an amazing camp. It is a non-denominational christian camp and I can not wait to hear all the wonderful stories next Saturday when I pick them up. Here we are, having just filled up and hitting the road.

The camp is located near Columbus,Tx between SA and was sure HOT!! this afternoon when I dropped them off!!! You can tell by the colors in the pics that the sun was BLAZING!!

You may have guessed.....Outback is an Australian themed camp....

There was a huge banner welcoming us as we drove down a long winding road into the trees!

We walked over a pretty bridge.....

Some counselors rode horses down the road to welcome the we approached the parking lot there were a bunch of campers jumping up and down and running behind cars to help us unload and let us know in which cabin the campers were assigned. Each car was assigned a counselor who helped unpack/unload. We left the heavy duffels at the car for them to deliver to the cabins, and just had to carry bedding and swim bags with us!! What service!!

The campers are going to be able to participate in all sorts of activities, archery, horseback riding, swimming, kayaking (sp??), arts and crafts, all sorts of sports and tons others that I am forgetting at the moment! Holley is most excited about the tumbling class....go figure!! Scott is most excited about shooting and archery and Macie is most excited about the theme nights.

After we went to the cabins and made beds (x3 kids- ugh!) it was pool time for their swim tests!
Everyone passed and was cleared to swim and slide down the three story body slide into the pool!! They had a blast!! I had to chase them down to say goodbye and hug them!! They definitely did not seem to be upset at the sight of me leaving! (boo-hoo! sniff-sniff) J/K I'm glad they are so well adjusted that I can leave and they are not uptight about it, plus they have each other if they really need each other.
I have added some more pics of the camp so you can visualize the "campus"....

The pool....The climbing wall

The playing fields.....

The three story high body slide
Macie and Holley in line to slide...

Next post will be after I pick up the kiddies next Sat...our "Road Trip 2009" will officially begin!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Fun!!

Hello all!! The Fab Four are enjoying some summer fun with their Dad the next few weeks so do not worry that we will be M.I.A. They will be home on the 18th just in time to head to camp and then the next week we head off to Colorado. Will post again when the troops get life is too boring to post on this blog without all the cray antics the kiddies throw at me....just work and gym....nothing else!!!