Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a way to end the season....Yippee

Today, Holley competed in the Alamo Classic Invitational meet. She has requested I put each of her events on this blog as well as any awards she "may have won"...There are people that were not able to come to the meet that Holley really wanted to be able to "see" her routines. You will have to (suffer-J/K) humm...enjoy each event and then watch the awards...wait a sec...Holley wants to post a note...(truly her, I swear!)...she will be finishing the comments on this post...I'll finish up the end...

Yay!My best (almost)bars!!! Please leave me a comment and let me know you saw me!!

Awards for bars...listen carefully... (I'm even suprised of what i heard!)

My floor was great! (at least Ithink it was!)Prepare to be(almost, hopefully) blown away!!!!

I'm really excited about this award !! (I feel like I'm winning the Ocscars!!!)

This is my VERY good beam routine that I did!!!!!! (kool!!)

Do you like my routine? I thank my 2 coaches (Kristin and Svetlana) for teaching me the right stuff!!!

We'll here's my V-A-L-U-T!! I've been kinda struggilin' with this.

I dont't think anyone was more suprised of the results than me!!!

Hih-huh hih-huh! (that is deep breathing) I was VERY nervous waiting for the all around scoresto come in!

So there you have it folks....if you have made it through all of the events and the now know the results. ...(this is Stacey again by the way...) I am super proud of my little monkey....4th place bars, 2nd place floor, 1st place beam and 1st place vault, and 1 st place all around level 5 Sr. A...way to go Holley. What a way to end this season....'til next August....Stay tuned...Love, S

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Macie's Birthday celebration

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I love you Macie girl....hope you had a great 13th Birthday...

A Teenager is in the house...

Happy Birthday to my sweet 13 year old Macie!! I love to come...I'm SO proud of you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here are a few of the things we have NOT done this week!

Macie did NOT come home with a flower from a (gasp) b-o-y, because she knows that if she did it would send her mom over the edge. Nope Macie has already declared that she will not start dating b-o-y-s until she is 30 at the very earliest.

Holley did NOT tell me that she had no idea where her very expensive green leotard was. She did not suggest that she had taken it to her Dad's where THEY must have lost it, prompting me to call them and inquire as to the whereabouts of said leotard, only to find it stuffed down behind her night stand, wadded up in a ball. No, she never would treat her leotard like that.

Scott most certainly did NOT eat the entire box of valentine candy that I gave him (Sat) night at dinner by lunch time on Sunday. That would be totally gross....and way too fattening for my fitness conscious little guy.

It is totally NOT true that I have started keeping a spiral next to my bed so that I can jot down fun, interesting, or embarrassing things that happen during the week so that I can remember them to post each Monday. Because if that were true...that would mean I'm a total blog nerd and I'm way too busy keeping up with the fab four to obsess over this "blog stuff ", not to mention that would also mean that my memory is less than stellar!

It is most definitely NOT true that I took a week off from blogging because I was throwing a "virtual" temper tantrum. No way! Not me! Never happened!

I certainly did NOT dye my hair darker this week because I'm too cheap to spend the money to keep up with the highlights that were starting to look very "interesting" on my head.

I did NOT tell my youngest "No more candy! We don't eat candy at bedtime." Only to be caught 20 minutes later eating a piece of candy myself. No way would I ever set a double standard like that!

I have so Not gotten the cold that the fab four have passed around this week. I mean come on...I'm a nurse and way too focused on proper hand hygiene to allow myself to touch something and then infect myself with their cold!! What kind of nurse would I be to allow that to happen? Oh, and our Meme most certainly has not gotten it too.

And no matter what you've heard or who might tell you otherwise, I did NOT laugh out loud when my little girl slid down a 20 ft. inflatable slide at a birthday party, stood up, and was then "taken out" (laid flat, knocked down) by another kid sliding down after her. No way would I laugh 'cause that would mean I am not a sweet mommy who runs over and scoops up her injured child, wipes the tears and kisses the ouchies away! Actually, this mommy DID run over, scoop her up, wipe away tears, laughing the WHOLE time!!

What have you NOT been up to this week???

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Belated Valentine's Day

Hello all...Happy Valentine's Day (a little late). Hope you all had a day filled with lots of love and chocolate! The kiddies all had great valentine's day parties at school on Friday. They each came home from school with tons of treats from their friends. Macie, being in middle school, is much too cool to give traditional valentine's. She took some candy flowers to her friends. She came home with several "real" flowers from her friends. (One of whom happens to be a b-o-y! Shhh! I'm not supposed to tell! ;) She claims they are "just friends". They better be! I am not ready for that kind of drama in our lives. She is still my ONLY girl who does not care one bit what she wears or even if she remembered to brush her hair in the morning. Here are pics of her flowers from her "friends"....:)

Allie and I spent the morning at her friend Ashley's birthday party! times!! Pics to come....then I took the big kids to spend their gift cards to Game Stop. They have been collecting these cards for birthdays and Christmas and boy have they been burning holes in their pockets! This is the troop before shopping....(Allie has not yet realized that she has no cards to shop with! Ha!

The spoils of war! Game Stop was packed! They had to really look for the games they wanted and then not put them down or they would be snatched up by other little vultures, umm...shoppers, from right under their noses.

Holley bought the new Super Mario Bros. , Scott decided on a MarioKart and wheel combo for the Wii and Ravin Rabbids for his DS, and Macie picked a (weird) Pokemon' game for her DS. Holley and Macie both have about $20 left but couldn't find any other games they wanted. Scott spent all of his (which is NO surprise!) Thanks Meme and Poppy, Aunt Perry, and Aunt Mary Austin for the gift cards.

Had to throw this in for your viewing pleasure....Allie has OBVIOUSLY realized that she was not going to get anything at Game Stop...Hee-Hee I'm sure there will be many years ahead of video games for her. She does have her own leapster that she loves so rest assured, she is NOT deprived!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gettin' her play-doh on....

Hello all....I'm baaaack...I'm done with my ranting and raving from my previous post. I decided to take some time off, but have no fear! Time surely did not stop for the Browning clan, in fact we raced through this week at (what seems like) break neck speed. So, to catch you up on the latest will take several posts. I'll start with Monday. If you know my precious Allie, you can take one look at this picture and know that something isn't "quite right"...

I picked her up from preschool and her teachers let me know that she had complained (just for the last 20 min of class) that her "tummy hurt". I got her home and she curled up on Meme and Poppy's bed under a blanket and complained of being "freezing". Uh-Oh....took her temp and it was 102.0. I then gave her the wonder drug (motrin). For whatever reason, my kids respond SO well to motrin. An hour later she was gettin' her play on with the play-doh set she was given for her B-Day (and I'd forgotten about- oops! :-)....

Gotta love motrin!!! She had to stay home from her other school (MDO) on Tues. because of the fever (thanks Meme for changing your plans and taking care of her) but was well and able to go back Wed and Thurs. for her valentine parties!! Yeah!! The next in line for the sickies was Holley, then Macie, and not to be outdone, Scott. Sadly, today I woke up with the telltale signs of a sore throat, runny nose and congestion. I am glad that I am off for the next four days so hopefully I'll be over this by Tues. when I return to work...Take care...stay tuned...Love,S

Friday, February 6, 2009

After an "interesting' day, I'm SUPER ANGRY!!

"interesting" is the best word I can use to describe it. I had a bunch of pictures I wanted to share and wanted to write a sweet post about what the kiddies have been up to the last couple of days, but my mind is reeling after a phone call today and I'm not sure what I should say (if anything) and honestly I'm not sure if this blog will continue. This blog was started so that I could have a journal of sorts for my kids to look back on when they are grown to remember their childhoods and the memories won't always be sunshine and is sad to me that now I'm not sure who I can and cannot trust....Frankly I AM SUPER MAD!!! and I'm not sure if the drama that has now been introduced into my life has anything whatsoever to do with this blog or if it is from some where else completely. But if it did originate here..... wow! A word of caution to fellow bloggers (the ones who I trust completely- and you know if that is you) be very careful!!! Be super careful to ONLY blog about perfect days and perfect never know what kind of people are reading your blog....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A rainbow!!

Hello all, today has been a good day in 'the nut house'. Holley had gymnastics this afternoon but everyone else stayed and played around this afternoon. I really don't have anything else to report...nuttin' interesting...pretty plain and boring (and NO I'm not complaining about that, we usually have more than our fair share of excitement), and no amazing pearls of wisdom to share with the world. I'll give a quick update on the rainbow that now crosses under my youngest child's right eye. We have a new lovely shade of green proudly showing itself alongside the blues and purples....I'm hoping for yellow tomorrow!!! Yippee!!

Day 3 of the black eye.... (and yes, I realize that pics of Allie monopolize this blog and will try to remind you every once in a while that I DO have 3 other children that I love and think are precious in their own right.)

Happy Tuesday everyone....I work tomorrow and Thursday , then have Friday off, and then work Sat and Sun. so I may be out of touch for a couple of days. Stay tuned....Love, S

Monday, February 2, 2009

My what a shiner!!

Allie has her first black eye courtesy of her brother. How nice of him to give such a wonderful gift! This is her eye on Sunday.

By Monday evening I do believe it was looking worse than it had the day before....

Can't wait to see what color it will be tomorrow!!! The gift that keeps on giving!

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is totally NOT true that the kiddies have to be woken up EVERY morning because they sleep through their alarm clocks...and it is NOT true that I told everyone at dinner last night that anyone who got up on time would have a nice surprise this morning...and it is definitely NOT true that the three older kids were up, dressed, and waiting for me this morning totally by themselves by 615 am...and I most certainly DID NOT sleep through my own alarm which was supposed to wake me up by 600 so I could start making their surprise breakfast. I do NOT give my kids cereal everyday making a day when I actually make pancakes a major celebration in my house! Nope, not me!!
I did NOT drive all the way to the grocery store, wait for the 5 year old to get out of her car seat (which she will NOT let me help her with-really!), walk in to the store, stand in the pharmacy line for 10 minutes, talk to the pharmacy tech only to realize that I forgot to go by the Doctor's office to actually pick up the prescription needing to be filled!! No Way! Not Me!!
and...I did NOT have to make a mad dash to the Dr's office , then back to the store to drop off the Rx, stand in line for another 10 minutes, and then speed all the way home because I had NOT forgotten to leave the side door unlocked for two of the other kiddies who were being dropped off by the school bus! I did NOT make it back literally 2 minutes before the bus arrived. Nope Not me!!
I am NOT excited about watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 tonight when they make their move to their new house...and there are definitely NOT 4 excited kids in my house anxious to see it too!!
I absolutely DID NOT fall asleep this morning after dropping the 5 year old off at preschool. I got every thing done on my chore list like laundry, ironing, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning, Sure I did!
I most definitely did NOT have to have "The Talk" (again) with my soon to be 13 year old daughter about carrying feminine hygiene products with her to school because she has NOT been acting crazy the last few weeks and months and crying at the drop of a hat and driving us all crazy!! Not me! Never!!
That WAS fun!! Stay tuned....Love, S

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Birthday highlights!!!

Here are some highlights of Holley's birthday celebration. Life is good but busy for the Browning working on a smilebox with pics of Holley when she was little but am having technical difficulties. Take care everyone....stay tuned....Love, S

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