Friday, June 26, 2009

It's a beautiful evening for a night on the town.....even if it is still over 100 degrees!
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Our movie choice tonight???
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We are at 'movie in the park' on town square tonight. I love this small town!
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!!

Happy Father's Day, Dad!!!

Hello all! It is father's Day. I hope you have all celebrated your father's today!!! This ENTIRE post will be dedicated to the BEST dad around!! MINE!!! I will start by showing you a MOST favorite picture..... of me and my Dad, EVER! (In my opinion!) Now, before I begin, I must tell you that there is the VERY REAL possibility that I might be SERIOUSLY INJURED for posting some of the pictures here or in the smilebox.....but Dad, YOU ARE WORTH IT!! MA and P, have mercy!!!

This was taken at presentation in the fall of 1991. I pledged a sorority and our father's "presented" us to the chapter after our pledgeship ended. I just love this picture...not sure why, it's a little dark I know....but it is my FAV!!!
My Dad is not only a great Dad, but ALSO a GREAT grandfather!!! He is loved a bunch by 6 kids who call him Poppy!!!

The rest of these pictures are out of order. I have never figured out how to move pictures around on Blogger, so bear with me!!!
My senior year my Dad and my older sister Perry chaperoned my senior high youth group ski trip. OMG! You might think.....but I was thrilled and we ended up having SUCH a great time together...and it was nice to have Dad there to hit up for money when I'd spent all of mine!!! My Dad is a little different in terms of the age groups of kids that he likes interacting with. For instance, I have no real memories of him playing much with me when I was a little girl.....nor do I have many pictures of us together when I was little.....he was usually snapping the pics of us. Now, don't get me wrong....he was always there....just not a big get on the floor player....he prefers kids when they get to that age where no one else can stand them! Jr. High and up. He taught my Junior High sunday school class and everything. It was fun. I loved it!
Here we are, Dad, Me and Perry at the top of the ski mountain at Monarch, Colo.

Now, brace yourselves.....this is a picture of the same man who did not technically get down on the floor and play with us......on the floor playing with Allie!! Actually, he married Allie!!! What a difference 35 years makes!!!

Allie LOVES playing Barbie with her Poppy!!! She thinks he is super cool!!

This is the earliest pic I have of us together (in my possession). There are probably others somewhere...I was the youngest of 3 daughters. I was taught to fish, play soccer, and do all sorts of stuff!! Dad coached my soccer team at one point!!!

Here we are again at Christmastime!

We had a blast at Six Flags with dad's sister Natalie (Aunt Natalie) and her family!

On to skiing....when I was in 4th grade my parents decided to take us on our first ski trip to Park City and Deer Valley, Utah!!! It was soooo much fun!!! Too bad they didn't teach us about exiting the ski lift in the ski school you sent us to in Houston, Dad! You see, the very first time up the mountain...I had no idea that you should keep your poles to the outside of the ski lift chair. I was riding with my Dad having a grand time and it came time to ski down the ramp. Having a pole in both hands, my arms went flailing around and I smacked my dad right across the bridge of his nose! Bummer! Hey Dad, do you think that bloody handkerchief is still buried up there in the hole you dug for it?? I don't have a picture of the two of us together on the trip so this will have to do.

Dad would swim with us in the pool....and dunk, splash, torture us too! Good times!!! I LOVED having that pool in our back yard!!

Now that Dad has a bunch of grandkids, he tries to teach them about important things like "How to enjoy nature while standing like you are a cool cowboy!"

My Dad has ALWAYS been there for me! Yes, I have tested his patience NUMEROUS times FOR SURE! But when push comes to shove....he's there. He came and rescued me in Midland without a second thought and managed to rope his friend ( and mine) Jack into helping him pack and move my ENTIRE house! Thank you Dad!!! Now, after raising three TOTALY AWESOME daughters, (if I do say so myself).....he is raising 4 kiddos AGAIN!! Well, ok,.... "helping" to raise 4 more kiddos. Thanks Dad! I couldn't make it day to day without you and Mom!!! Allie has never known any other life than being with her Meme and Poppy every day!!

This next picture is WAY out of order.....but it is priceless to is MY DAD, proudly celebrating HIS, uhmmmm....MY science fair project winning 1st place in the 8th grade science fair. HA! You did all the work and I got the ribbon!!! Ok, I helped a little....(a very little :-) )

Here we are again....on top of the world in Colorado!!! Can't wait for the trip back to Colorado in July!!! (courtesy of Perry, if she'll still let me come! Ha!)

There are soooo many other pictures that I wanted to share so I made a smilebox to share them.
Happy father's day Dad!! I love you bunches!!! And yes MA, I stole some from you!!! Hey, we need to update the anniversary album! It's been 5 more years (almost)!!!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

79 degrees? In late June? On Berges Fest parade day? Are you kidding me? What a blessing!
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It's a great day for a parade in Boerne! Just dropped the girls off at the BGC float....waiting for the fun to begin @ 10am!
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Nikki is home safe and sound. House arrest is in their future I'm sure!
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Dog update ....Boomer is in custody and Nikki is still at large. They keep spotting her but she seems to think it is fun to play hide and seek! Silly dog!
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Attention dog lovers.....urgent prayer request

In some families, dogs are seen as true members of the family. They are spoiled rotten, sometimes eating better than the people and enjoy being treated as "fur babies". My sister Perry has two such "fur children". Nikki and Boomer. They are both beautiful Australian Shepherds. Perry called just a few minutes ago and her "babies" apparently got out today while she was at work and are no where to be found. Those of you with dogs that are truly members of your family will understand the pain and fear she is feeling right now. It is after 8pm, and she lives in the country. My parents just went running out of the house to help look for the dogs. Wish I could go but the kiddies would just get in the way. Please say a quick prayer that the dogs will be found safe and sound. Thank you....

I'm a thief....I admit it!

Ok, so I stole these pictures from my sister MA. Soooo sorry, but I love them, and they ARE my babies after all. My sister has been taking photography classes and actually said I could print these so it probably won't surprise her one bit that I swiped the pictures. I am in NO WAY taking credit for these fabulous shots of "The Fab Four". The only thing I did to contribute was carry these four kiddies for 9 months and then give birth to them! Love the pics MA. Thank you....still to come.... more summer fun and visits with family.....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Catching up is hard to do....

Hello friends! Wow!!! It has already been SUCH a wonderful and CrAzY summer! We have been meeting ourselves coming and going it seems. There is SOOO much to catch you all up on. But, before I tell you of our most recent escapades, I need to finish up Allie's graduation posts. She is now on her way to being an "official" kindergartner. Boo-Hoo, feel sorry for me now, please!! Ha! So, way back on May 21,2009, after 4 years at United Methodist Church's Mother's Day Out, Allie graduated from pre-school. (For the second time that week). I apologize for not getting the pics up sooner....but what can I say....OOPS!

Here are some pics from the big her cap

This picture is priceless....I see "The Look" multiple times daily, but have never captured it on film....until now! Ha!....Allie just learned that she was going to have to share a chair with Roman.

Not to worry...they were fast friends again in 10 seconds....

Roman was a special friend to Allie....saying good-bye....

Allie received beautiful flowers for graduation from someone who loves her bunches.....ME!

It is always a super special occasion when Aunt Perry takes off work and comes!!!

Of course, our Meme wouldn't have missed it for the world....

Allie loved having Mrs. Betty for her teacher. Mrs. Betty was always soooo much fun!!

The next part of the day, well, was not one of my shining moments as a mommy. To set the stage, let me say this. Sometimes my children are asked, "I bet it is nice having a mom who is a nurse....". Well, it's not, let me assure you. If there is no obvious profuse bleeding or a temp higher than's business as usual. Luckily my kids have been blessed with GREAT immune systems....Scott just finished his 3rd year in a row of perfect attendance, and Macie and Holley only missed 2 days each and I'm pretty sure they were for dental appts. that I couldn't get scheduled for after school. They just aren't sick that much and if they are, they luck out (for me) and get sick during Christmas break or weekends. the Tues. after Mother's Day, (the 12th maybe?)....Holley apparently hurt her foot after a vault at gymnastics practice. I worked that day and quite often when I work I don't get home until 9 or 930, especially if I go grad a workout before coming home. the kids are in bed usually by the time I get home. Well, that week was a crazy week. I was taking an intermediate fetal monitoring class and working my scheduled days, and ended up with work/class 6 days in a row. Needless to say, I didn't see the kids that much and they spent the next weekend with their Dad. By the next Sunday night I finally talked to my kids awake...and Holley told me how much her foot still hurt. I, being an awesome nurse, said, "Well, you can move it in all sorts of directions without pain, so it must be fine. You ARE going to school tomorrow." Then I worked the next two days again so I could take off for Allie's graduations that week. By Wed. after Allie graduated, I decided to go grab Holley from school and take her to the urgent care place because they have an x-ray machine there and I knew we would find out that day what (if anything) was going on. So, to make a long story a little shorter for applause please.....the x-rays were negative. Nothing....the MD said that she might have tendinitis or a tiny stress fracture that is not showing up on X-ray. So, he put her on crutches and said it should be better in a week if it is tendinitis. Well, a week went by and she still could not bear weight on the "ball" of her right foot. So, I decided to take her to her pediatrician to see what's next. He sent us for more X-rays...which were he said, "This is beyond my area of expertise....I'm sending her to a foot and ankle guy" I made an appt. for the following week. (The 27th). So we go see this doc and he checks out Holley's feet and moves them all around (marveling at the flexibility her feet have courtesy of gymnastics) and then he talked to her a little and then said I think I know what is going on....he pushed on two tiny spots on the ball of her right foot just below the big toe and when he pushed on the first one ....nothing, no pain. Then he pushed on the other tiny spot and she just about jumped off of the table. Did you know that there are apparently a several tiny bones that make up the joint of the "big" (or great) toe? I sure didn't. But one of Holley's is messed up. He said the bones are so tiny, especially in kids that you can't see them on X- ray. You have to get an MRI. Anyway, he said it is likely to either be a fracture or a problem with the tendon that attaches that bone to the others. He put her back on crutches for an additional 3 weeks. He said that should be long enough to determine if it a tendon or a fracture. So, we go back on the 24th. If she is not better....and she is not at this point....then we do an MRI. So there you have it....the 411 on our very first gymnastics injury....

Holley at Urgent care getting her first X-ray

Allie waiting very patiently.....

A week later and we are still on crutches....

Now, Holley gets the added benefit of wearing a hard blue orthopedic shoe on her right foot. The doc doesn't want her bending that joint if at all possible. So we are waiting.....and hoping an praying that this will heal quickly. She is missing a lot of important time in the gym right now and competition season starts the first pat of August. Please say a little prayer on her behalf hat she will heal quickly with no complications. Thanks.....stay tuned...S