Friday, March 27, 2009

Precious baby girl

I called Allie to come in from playing outside this evening after dinner. Actually, a cold front came in and it was getting quite chilly. I asked "Are you done jumping? It's time to come in." Her reply, "No, I'm not done yet....I'm talking to Jesus." Her little face was turned up toward the sky. "Oh, OK. Come in when you are done." How precious is that??? Oh how I adore this little girl!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, March 20, 2009


Congratulations Macie!!! Macie had a track meet on Thursday night and ran the 100 meter sprint and the 400 meter sprint. She came in 2nd place in the 100 meter sprint!!! Way to go! She also came in 4th in the 400 meter sprint!! Yippee! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you Macie-girl! Keep up your running...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Hello all! We are coming to the end of Spring Break 2009! We stayed home for a 'staycation' this year. The break started out with the kiddies going to their dad's last weekend. I was scheduled to work so they had some fun dad-time. We were reunited on Sunday night to get our 'staycation' going. Monday- the morning started out with Scott and I meeting with our personal trainers. We had a blast...well, as much of a blast as you can have while being tortured to death at the fun! (The gym will be a WHOLE other post sometime....) Then we headed home for some good playtime. The Wii got a lot of action this week. The weather was dry and warm the first part of the week....then came 'the change!'....cold and wet! Glad we didn't plan any trips to the beach!!! The pictures that follow serve two purposes...first to show the fun we had with Kyler spending the night....and second, to show the fruit of our labor on Tuesday....Tuesday I had the bright idea that it was finally time to redo the girls room...I've never actually "done" the girls room. Meme had three sets of bunkbeds in the bunkhouse (guest house) that we moved into when we first moved to Boerne. The whole guest house was decorated in a really cute country theme. When we moved into this house....we just moved the bunkbeds with us and kept the same cute country blankets as the bed coverings. I did pick the color blue on the walls but I did not have the means to actually redo the room in terms of bedding, drapes, etc. Well, later this year (after school is out for the summer) Allie will officially become a resident in the girl room. As you can see from the pictures, the room is HUGE!! There will be plenty of room for all of them. Anyway, I saw these really cute comforters that had the very color that each girl loves most.....the girls were crazy about them...and they each got to pick their own throw pillows in the color of their choice and they each got a fuzzy throw blanket a in their preferred color and the best thing is they all color coordinate!! I also bought new drapes and a funky new multicolored floor lamp but I haven't done all of that yet. My plan for the first part of July (while the kiddies are ith their Dad) is to paint the bunkbeds and the desk in their room white. Anyway....the new comforters are proudly on display in these pics....Scott and i worked out with our trainers again on Wed. and then we cleaned up our rooms and watched a movie and just "chilled" was awesome! The kiddies went back to their Dad's Thurs and Fri. ( I was scheduled to work) nd came home Friday night. On Saturday we ran all day long....Allie went to a birthday party all afternoon, Macie went to the McNay Art museum and then to spend the night with her friend Becca and Holley had Kyler come over and spend the night. They had tons of fun playing Wii, jumping on the tramp, they played "lights-out hide and go seek" (soooo funny!) and charades. Allie and Scott would NOT leave the girls alone to play....Kyler may never want to come back and visit after being swarmed by Allie and Scott (who I think is crushing on her a little bit--shhh!). But we sure hope cutie-pie Kyler comes back soon!!!! Now it is Sunday evening, the kiddies are getting their showers and getting their backpacks ready for tomorrow's return to school. Track season is in full swing for Macie.....she's running the 400 m. and is really enjoying it. Holley and Allie are both continuing on the gymnastics team and Scott and I are having a lot of fun laughing at and with each other at the gym....Life is busy...and so full....I have been so very blessed with these little (some not so little) kiddos.

Kyler and Holley playing Wii (Allie can't stand not being in the middle of Holley's business)

Holley's bed is the top bunk. That is her "wall of fame" in the background. The bottom bunk is the extra bed at this point.

Allie sitting on her bunk....showing off her pretty pillow...she slept in her "new" bed for the first time on Sat. night. She won't officially move into her new room until school is out.

Macie sleeps on the bottom bunk. Yes, that is Jake's cage on the far right....he's still kicking!!! Ugh!

Scott never far away as long as Kyler is in the house :-)

Have no fear...the Dora kitchen will be move when some other toys are purged...

Kyler and Holley enjoying the fuzzy blankets....come back anytime sweet Kyler!

Allie settling in for the night.....

Good night girls!!

Scott still can't bear to tear himself away from the girls yet.... Man, the flash on my camera is awesome....I took these pics with the lights in the room off and just the TV on. Cool!
I did get Scott new bedding and accessories for his room too...the pillow he is laying on is a little glimpse of his room's decor....will post pics when I get it finished....Also once I've got the beds painted and the curtains up this summer I'll take more pics. I LOVE all the colors, pink,blue, green, yellow, purple, orange...anything you could sure kept it easy for 3 little girls who are going to be stuck sharing a room to each find something different and special to them to get to make their space "special". So there you have it....we had a great Spring Break...I'm sorry it's over. Hopefully, if I stop being put on call half the days I'm scheduled, next year maybe we'll be able to take a trip somewhere. I'll try to post more frequently. Part of the reason I haven't posted is I needed a blogging break. I realized that I spent the majority of my time on Blogger or facebook and I needed to nip that addiction in the bud! Stay tuned....Love, S

Friday, March 13, 2009

Still here!!

Have no fear we are still here....have a bunch to tell you but have to run out....will try to post some time this weekend. Just wanted to let you know we are fine and dandy...Spring Break has been busy even though we stayed home! It's been a pretty good one in spite of the cold, wet weather. Thank you Lord for the rain! We need more!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lovin' the Kingdom...

This came home from Allie's Mother's Day Out class....this is how it reads...

'Today in Chapel we learned the story of Queen Esther and the rule of the Kingdom to hurt the Israelites, created by her husband the King. We decided if we were the King or Queen of the MDO Kingdom, the following are the rules we would live by.
These are the rules of the MDO Kingdom (as told to us by the 3 and 4 year old classes)

1. We have to walk slowly in a straight line. (everywhere we go)
2. All strawberries must be dipped in chocolate. (My personal favorite)
3. We must love everyone, we are friends and we play together all day, after we have candy for breakfast. (this is a close second for my favorite)
4. Everyone must be nice and share.
5. Love each other and the Earth.
6. Love one another.
7. Love God forever and ever and never forget Him.
8. Obey God's rules.
9. Share your things with other people.

That is too cute!!! Especially love that ALL strawberries MUST be dipped in chocolate and the candy before breakfast. I LOVE that kingdom!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Saw a warning on the transguide billboard on I-10..."Warning- High Fire Danger. Arson ban in effect"....seriously?!? Last time I checked there was never a time when arson was NOT banned! I'm just sayin'!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

This most certainly did NOT happen!!!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is time to confess...those silly little things that most certainly did NOT happen in the NUT house...
I did NOT lose my little notebook that I had sitting by my bed so that I could remember what little tid-bits happened during the week so I would have a few little "gems" to post on Not Me Monday!
I did NOT fully intend to skip posting a Not Me! Monday list because I could not remember anything that happened this week.
My memory did NOT kick in at dinner tonight when I told the story of going to pick Allie up from school this week on Thurs. I was running a couple of minutes early and thought Yeah! This is a first! I'm NEVER early!! I did NOT proceed to drive to the gym (where the girls spend 4 days a week), park my car and then realize that I drive there so much that my car was on autopilot. I then did NOT turn around and drive to the church to get Al and ended up being 2 minutes late, ruining any chance of breaking my "late" streak.
The following conversation absolutely, positively DID NOT happen around our dinner table tonight, prompting my return to Not Me! Monday. And I am NOT posting this especially for my sisters who I'm sure can imagine this exact conversation and any and all facial expressions that occurred during said conversation.... keep in mind that the fab four and I live with Meme and Poppy...(a.k.a.- Mom and Dad (mine-) Dad...talking about something, I can't remember exactly what, that isn't important..."la-la-la-de-dah.."....knock on wood."
Mom: "Where do you think that expression came from? Knock on wood?"
Dad: "Well, I'm sure I don't know"
Mom: " Well, what do you suppose they knocked on?"
Dad and I look at each other for a split second, incredulously (is that a word?).
Dad: "Well, wood!"
I certainly DID NOT break into gales of laughter, NOT laughing so hard that I could NOT hardly breathe, and I DID NOT look at my father who was NOT laughing so hard that he was NOT beet red. The children DID NOT laugh at their grandmother because I've raised them to be ultra respectful of their father and I DID NOT cry because we were NOT laughing so hard....when we could all breathe again we DID NOT look down the table at my mother who was just sitting there and DID NOT look amused (really! not amused one bit!!!)
So that's it...that's all I remember ...maybe I'll find my notebook this week or maybe NOT!
Take care everyone...Stay tuned, Love,S

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just plugging along...

I realized today that I haven't really posted anything of interest in a week...except for Birthday info which is HUGE NEWS!! Yeah for Meme and Poppy!!! (aka Mom and Dad)...I have not been happy with the pictures my camera has been taking lately. For some reason they are a little blurry...and I've tried changing batteries and memory cards but I don't know if I accidentally changed some setting or pushed the wrong button. For those of you who know me well, you know that is NOT a hard thing to imagine! So I haven't taken many pics recently. But rest assured my has been plugging, more like streaking, along at breakneck speed....let's see...we'll start at the top....My Macie...we have been struggling with grades and teenage attitude recently. Her grades are improving and so is her attitude at the moment so great news there! She got her first pair of contacts on Saturday and is looking very grown up all of a sudden. It may be the fact the she looks down at me now but she is not my "little" girl anymore. But I remind her all the time that she will always be my "baby". Holley has been going to the gym like normal...3 days a week. She is getting straight A's at school and we worked at a mini meet together that our gym hosted on Sat. She spent the rest of the weekend at her friend Kyler's house...Scott is just hanging out being Scott. He is also making straight A's and loves to hang out with his good friend Jack after school and play basketball. He likes to call his friend M.J. after school...he likes to talk on the phone more than his sisters which is totally weird to me. Holley and Macie don't talk on the phone hardly at all...but Scotty, everyday he's talking to cracks me up! And last but not least is Allie...She officially started "team" at the gym two weeks ago. She works out twice a week on Tues and Thurs. It is cute watching her learn the level 2 skills. I don't think I was around much when Holley was at that level. I think I was in school and Meme went to practice a lot. Anyway, she LOVES it!! She has a poster of Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson on her wall that she looks at every night!!! It is super cute!! So I think that catches everyone up on the happenings in the Browning Household!!! I will try to be better at posting and putting pics up. Maybe I need to go camera shopping....I think the problem is I visit so many cute blogs with such wonderful pictures...and even with the best camera in the world...if you have a photographer like me...well...enough said. Take care...Stay tuned...Love,S

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!

It's birthday time for two of my very favorite people!! Yesterday was my mom's birthday...we celebrated with the birthday girl's menu of choice...pork spare ribs, green beans, spinach and pineapple upside down cake. Yummy!!!
Today we will be celebrating again. This time it is Dad's birthday!! I'm not sure what the menu will include...but I do know that I will be making his requested also happen to be MY favorite...yellow cake with chocolate icing...oh yeah!! Yippee! Happy birthdays Mom and Dad!! We love you, Stacey, Macie, Holley, Scott and Allie.