Well, here we are with two days left of the school year, and I'm running (or typing) to catch up....earlier this month, Scott's third grade class had a "coffee house poetry" day. All of the parents were invited and served fresh coffee and were treated to the poetry that their children had written. Unfortunately, I was unable to change my work schedule, but was so glad that Meme and Allie were able to go and hear Scott read his poetry. Thanks for taking the pictures Meme!! Here is Scott (pre-haircut) reading his poetry. Thanks Poppy for loaning him a tie!!! He looked very handsome! (He is in the red shirt- and tie)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Lots of poetry going on....
Posted by Stacey at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
One down....one more tomorrow!
Hello all. I know, I know, I've left you all hanging for much too long. For updates on Kyndall you can visit Robin's blog by hitting the button on the upper right side of my blog with Kyndall's picture on it. She is oing better...but still needs prayer to continue the healing process.
Allie graduated from SHEEP (St. Helena's Early Enrichment Program) today. She sure loved getting dressed up in her cap in gown. I was one proud mama watching the ceremony. Before the program started, I snatched her from class to get some pics....
Posted by Stacey at 10:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Update on Kyndall....
Thank you everyone for praying for Kyndall....feel free to click the button to the right to go to Kyndall's Aunt's (Robin) blog for more updates. In short, they are still waiting. She was extubated (breathing tube removed) overnight and has, so far (I can only assume from what I've read), done ok breathing on her own. She has 3 skull fractures which have caused some bleeding. They are waiting for the results of the latest CT scan. Her white blood cell count has risen. This can be caused by the trauma taking place within her body or may be a result of pneumonia which she is at significnt risk for, seeing as how her lungs were filled with water. Thank the Lord that her father knew CPR. If there was EVER a case for learning CPR, this is one!!! Robin has been really good at updating her blog, and I must say it has been AMAZING to see how quickly this plea for prayer has zig-zagged across this country...and the world by now, I'm sure. I've seen sweet Kyndall's pictures on a bunch of blogs today....Isn't it awesome to see Christians rallying around one another...Totally cool!!! God is SOOOO good! Please keep praying....You can grab a "Pray for Kyndall" button from Robin's blog....
Posted by Stacey at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day Tea
On Wednesday, my mother (aka Meme) and I were invited to a FANCY Mother's Day (and Grandmother's Day) tea party at Allie's school (SHEEP). It was such a wonderful tea party!!! We were served pink lemonade (tea) and cookies! Yummy. Allie had the best time with both of us there...she waited on us hand and foot. We were very spoiled....
Then we were enjoyed LIVE entertainment....Allie pretended to be shy on stage....yeah right!!! Watch the video and you'll see (or hear) how "SHY" she really is.....Ha!
Do you see why I am such a lucky Mommy????
On a side note....please pray for my friend Robin's 12 year old niece, Kyndall. She was involved in a terrible boating accident today and is fighting for her life....you can check out Robin's blog at http://thereedfamilyintexas.blogspot.com . Please pray for this sweet girl and her entire family. Thanks, Love, S
Posted by Stacey at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Posted by Stacey at 8:23 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Long time , no blog....
Hello all.....I know, I know....I have been dreadfully late in letting you all know what has been going on...let me just say, we certainly live up to the name "The Nut House!". We have entered that wonderful time of the year that I affectionately (NOT!) call, the end of the school year blitz!!! We've got soooo much stuff going on in the next few weeks that my head is spinning...everyone has performances, awards shows, graduations and much more....throw in my full time job and the time I spend (in misery- feel sorry for me ok?) at the gym.... and we are tapped out. These pictures are (I'm ashamed to admit) from April 14, 2009. Macie was honored for her athletic achievements. The school does a neat ceremony celebrating the sporting achievements of the students. Each student is recognized for the efforts if they participated in a sport (or two or three, etc.) It was fun to see and I'm awfully proud of my cross country and track star!!! I know this is dark....even with my flash...bummer, this is Macie receiving her certificates for her hard work in cross country and in track this year.
Here is my sweetie with her two besties....Sierra on the left and Becca on the right....these three are inseparable....cute, sweet, beautiful and smart to boot!!!
Posted by Stacey at 8:04 PM 2 comments